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ADC Press Release
ADC Business Day Episode 2
ADC Business Day Episode 2 on Class fm Business News at 12pm, Ghana time below.
Continental Workshop
Join the Continental Workshop on Global Business & International Legal Framework for Businesses from Developing Countries! Are you a top executive or businessperson seeking to expand your global network and enhance your knowledge of international legal frameworks? Look no further! The Africa Development Council (ADC) in collaboration with the Institute of Industrial Skills Development (IISD)…
Blast from the Past
Blast from the Past: Reliving the Vision of Africa Development Council (ADC) when it was a baby of STARFA. Journey with us back on this early prototype, we are filled with a sense of nostalgia and pride. Though the technology and production values may seem rudimentary compared to today’s standards, the core message of the…
New Tech Giant, Buzsquare of TRENDAFRIK, has hit the Social Media Space across Africa
The CEO of Trendafrik-Buzsquare, Kodzo Deku, on Friday 2nd June, 2023, called on the President of Africa Revolutionary Council – ARC, Ing. Dr. Atsuga Sogbey, who doubles as the Leader of Science & Technology Advocacy Renaissance for Africa- STARFA in Accra, Ghana. The two talked among other things, about how it is time, Africa owned…
Exciting Business Opportunities in Russia for ADC Members
ADC would like to inform our cherished members, of the following initiatives by Management. 1) Members or companies in ADC, that wish to do business in Russia or wish to bring Russian businesses to his/her country in Africa, can please approach our Secretariat via WhatsApp number +233277070937 or call +233540777182, for the needed assistance. 2)…